Wind Against the Tide

The Atlantic Crossing debut album, produced by Pete Sutherland, features a strong contingent of tunes and songs
from the Scottish tradition. The Laird of Drum tells how love transcends class boundaries, whilst Slave's Lament
gives a little-known insight into Robert Burns' progressive views regarding slavery. Rick contributes a couple of
compositions to this album: Only Way Home is his account of a hair-raising voyage through the eye of a hurricane,
whilst his beautiful waltz First Light is still a favorite. The other original waltz is appended to Far Away In
Australia: Viveka's Waltz was written by Peter before he even knew of her existence. Two of the songs, John Barleycorn
and Three Men Went A-Hunting represent our early forays into the Helen Hartness Flanders Collection. Brian's feet are
given an airing on the set of Quebecois reels, and, as a follow-up to the sea shanty Hieland Laddie, the reel Daldowny's
features an unusual sound for Atlantic Crossing - three fiddles - as Pete joins Viveka and Peter.
The cover art is from the painting Wave Over Wave by Sarah Wesson of Ripton, VT.
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